Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day 4

Sunday... Smoke-free day 4!!!! Yeah! Nothing too uneventful today. No real cravings ~ until I got the call from dispatch that I have to fly out tonight at 11:30pm. Bummer :( Usually I get a couple of days on call before I have to go... not so this time around.
Also, everytime I gear up for a flight... I smoke ALOT. There is a certain amount of anxiety and anticipation before a flight and I tend to deal with it by inhaling as many smokey treats as possible. So, that's changed... will not be turning to that small comfort. I have to remember that it is not really a comfort at all and in turning to it I would only be doing myself a disservice. I just have to remind myself to breathe through the craving. Nothing is worth turning back on the four days Ive been free of nicotine!
Ok... with that being said.... WTF is going on with the weather in LA? It is 9:30pm and I am sitting in my apartment with sweat literally dripping from me. I have beads of it in places I wont discuss. It's absolute torture. I am so cranky. (Makes me wanna smoke for solace). Not really... I DONT WANT TO SMOKE DAMMIT!
Well... I must get ready for my flight. Tonight im flying into Vegas ~ easy 45minute flight ~ then possibly stay the night or fly onto Venice, Italy....


maggie said...

I *love* your attitude. And I'm kind of jealous about your job ;)

Tim said...

I'm jealous myself, but I could see why you might smoke a lot before flights. I bet it can be stressful not knowing where you might end up. I loved Vegas as a smoker. Seemed like you couple smoke anywhere! Even though I'm a non-smoker now, I need to get back there to leave them some more money. Anyway, have a nice flight.