Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Chantix Day 8

Today is the last day that I am free to smoke. However, I ran out of cigarettes 4-5 days ago and have yet to buy a pack. Wont do it. I am having a craving right now. Just ate a BIG bowl of cereal, and that full feeling in my stomach usually makes me run for a smoke. So instead of heading over to the neighbors and bumming one, I am choosing to blog my way through it. And it's not that bad. Not like trying to quit cold turkey... I am not DYING for a smoke. In fact, I am pretty easily distracted. Dr. Phil is on in the background (not even a fan) and I keep pausing in my writing to watch him council a "wild-mom". Looks like she has the Brittney Spears syndrome.
Anyway... the urge to smoke is leaving me now. It's been about 3 minutes since it started. The full feeling in my gut is not as intense as it was a few minutes ago. Wow... I guess digestion is possible without nicotine.
More later!


Well... I just smoked my very last cigarette in this journey to becoming a non-smoker. The only smoke I've had today. I did have a bit of a craving for it...but, I think it's simply because I told myself that I would have one at the end of the night with Nat (my cousin who is staying the week with me).
As we were sitting out on my balcony talking and smoking, I just kept thinking..."wow, this is my last cigarette" It didn't taste good and I didn't REALLY want it to begin with ~ I mean, I had thought about it on and off throughout the day, but was never jones'n for it. There was no joy to the experience...just wanted to get it over with already...
I do remember a moment on the balcony tonight, of feeling like my smoking experience had come full circle. Afterall, It was Nat who provided me with one of my earliest cigarettes. I was a sophmore in highschool and had experimented with smoking a Camel on a few occasions. When I told Nat this she took me out into her parents backyard and said... "smoking is disgusting, but if your going to do it, at least smoke a lady-like cigarette" and she handed me a Capri.

Good night... and wish me luck on my big day.... although, I know I can do this. I have already proven it to myself these last few days. The withdrawls are simply not there enough to use that as an excuse to give in. It's ALL in my mind. And I can get over just about anything... Im a pretty tough cookie!



Chris said...

Good for you Lisa! I'm right behind you and hope to muster the same strength of will that you have.

Best of luck...

maggie said...

Hope your first day is going well!