Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day 2 on Chantix... Still Smoking

Today I am taking the train to visit my family for a few days. I am hoping that being around non-smokers and my neices and nephew will help me to think about smoking less. I know I am "free" to smoke during this first week on the meds... but, I really want to start the process of thinking like a non-smoker. I am currently off rotation and no work for ten days leaves me with idle time... something that often leads to MANY more smoke breaks on the balcony, out of pure boredom.
I slept like a rock last night... not sure if that had anything to do with the meds or if all the sleepless nights on rotation are just catching up to me. I have read a lot about all of the side effects some people experience on this med. And I am hoping I will be spared the more traumatic ones... people complain of insomnia (in my line of work this would not be a pleasant one), sadness, crazy dreams, nausea... Sometimes I think I am one of those people who after reading a symptom, automatically starts experiencing it (you know, when hearing of a break out of head lice back in school.. your head suddenly begins to itch..) So, although I want to be an informed patient... I plan to keep my research low brow for a while... Take the med and see what happens.
Yesterday, I smoked about 7 or so ciggs... (idle time) Today, I am hoping for less. I just had my morning smoke and coffee. Now time for breakfast and Chantix pill number 2. We'll see what the rest of the day brings.
More later

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