Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Please Read This...

I sit here with tears rolling down my cheeks. This man was 2 years younger than me when he died of lung cancer after only having been diagnosed 9 weeks earlier. The images are frightening, I know.
I cry for him, his family, his children,
For myself, I shed tears of thankfulness that I have put an end to this habit. That perhaps I have sparred my own life.

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maggie said...

Lisa, I know, so sad. If you haven't yet watched the brave video on YouTube of a woman dying of lung cancer while her son videotapes as they wheel her out for smoke breaks, it's yet another powerful testimony to the merit of of staying quit. I posted a link to it on my blog in this post, and women have some even greater risks from smoking than men, as if their risks aren't already horrible, too.

NICK said...

Oh my gawd.....

I wrote in my own blog today about having a sense of dread about the future as a smoker.

This is why. Heartbreaking.

Tracee Sioux, Sioux Ink: Soul Purpose Publishing said...

Hey Lisa,
I quit smoking too and now I wonder at my level of denial. I mean, I guess when they said "you could die when you're older" I never thought they meant under 90, when you're gonna die anyway. This photo is so tragic. And the terrible pain that family is going through. I have a quit smoking blog too, non-smokers can use all the support they can get. Would you care to do a link exchange? I'll add you to my blogroll now. You can find me at .