Wednesday, October 24, 2007

8 Weeks

I am very pleased that I am still smoke free... how ever... this weight gain thing is getting to me. Im sure Ive gained around 5 pounds... not much ~ but just enough to see/feel the difference in my clothes. I cant stand it.
I am VERY sensitive about this matter. It pisses me off because, I TOTALLY watch what I eat. I work out daily. I just started a 2 week cleanse, etc.. etc... etc...
I am trying to do all of the right things for my body and my body is not thanking me for it AT ALL. Not to mention, the cleanse has lead to a teenage flashback of adult-acne :( I feel disgusting.
So, I m pissed off.
I am currently ignoring the BF... who said to me "Baby... did you join the gym to get rid of the smoker-weight?" And then proceeded to not understand why that pissed me off. His reasoning "You're the one who said you gained weight..."
Sure I bitched about it a time or two over the last week or so... but, that does not give you the freedom to join in. It's the same principle as calling my mom a bitch.... I could do it ~ but you cant. She's MY moma. I can complain about her if I want. But, the minute you join in... I will defend her.
So.... like my moma taught me oh so long ago... if you have nothing nice to say... say nothing at all... seriously.

1 comment:

maggie said...

Lisa, Congrats on 8 weeks! I have gained little, too. Actually, each time I have quit the past few times I've gained, and it stopped going back down when I started again, so I won't be going that route. Hopefully you will find just the right thing to keep you at the weight you want to be. I'm hoping I'll lose just 5 to 10 pounds (noticeable on my super small frame), but if I stayed right where I am but smoke-free, I think I could be content. But I'd still like those pounds gone. I get it. Keep going.